Rich Dad's Prophecy by Robert Kiyosaki

Book Title : Rich Dad's Prophecy
Author : Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad saw the 401(k) as more than a scam. His prophecy was that these new retirement programs, created in the U.S. in 1974 and adopted in various forms by many other countries, would cause one of the biggest stock market crashes in history...a crash that is still coming...a crash that will wipe out the retirement savings of millions of employees, leaving them dependent upon their families or the government in their later years. Rich dad often said, "Never in the history of the world have so many people bet their future financial security on the ups and downs of the stock market."
RICH DAD'S PROPHECY will show you how this obscure 1974 law will affect all of us, regardless of our age or where we live, sometime in the near future. And after it exposes the reasons behind the coming crash, it reveals not only the best ways to safeguard wealth but how to actually prosper from the events to come.

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